[SoC] Application and ideas pages

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sun Mar 7 17:12:30 EST 2010

Greetings to all from the still snowy Finland!

The Google Summer of Code Application phase starts today (Monday the
8th) and ends on the 12th. For that I have now gone through the
application for 2010 [1], based on the 2009 application. Assuming that
the questions don't change a lot this is what I suggest we go with. If
you have any suggestions, please edit the page. ;)

Also needed for the application would be an up-to-date GSoC 2010 Ideas
page [2]. The 2009 Ideas page has been copied by Hamish, and I have
purged all ideas pages which haven't updated to 2010. So if your
project ideas page isn't there, please add it if you know you intend
to participate on GSoC 2010. For reference Here is a list of the
removed ideas pages:

* MapServer
* Laval Univerisy
* GeoServer
* GeoTools
* OpenGeocoder
* OpenRouter
* gvSIG
* MapWindow GIS

As always if you have any questions and / or comments please don't
hesitate to ask!

On behalf of the Admins,
Wolf Bergenheim
OSGeo GSoC Administrator 2010

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_Application_2010
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2010_Ideas

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