[SoC] Signing up as a mentor

Dane Springmeyer blake at hailmail.net
Tue Mar 9 16:28:53 EST 2010

On Mar 7, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

> I'm also interested in helping mentor, in particular on project  
> related
> to collaboration between the FOSS geo products out there.  I've talked
> to a few about refining this proposal, so that it is focused on  
> tweaking
> features in QGIS or Mapnik or even GRASS if there is interest.  As
> opposed to running it as a stand alone project like proposed last  
> year :)
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Cartographic_Engine
> Tyler

Me as well, particularly around this idea of scalable print output  
that is hit on in the Cartographic Engine idea


and in the QGIS idea of better vector output:


and the Mapnik project ideas of "Better print support":


For now, as the Mapnik project we are applying as a mentoring  
organization, but either way (if we are accepted or not accepted) I'd  
like to be involved in mentoring and helping discuss any projects  
involving scalable/print output from OSGEO software.


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