[SoC] MapGuide Ideas

Rohit Razdan rrrazdan at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 20:48:25 EDT 2010

Hi Guys,
I am a Geoinformatics Major, and my introduction to osgeo is through a
project that I am implementing for my thesis. We are using MapGuide and I
thought why not do a project to make it better, as a way of giving back to
the community. But I didn't find a suggested ideas page for MapGuide, in
this year's or last year's GSoC pages. Documentation on installation was
pretty thin and outdated, and building the system on my Ubuntu, was a major
pain. I had to hack through with various roundabout solutions, including
editing source files.
Now I would love to do a project for Mapguide. If a mentor, who is involved
with Mapguide can guide me with some projects that the Mapguide community
wants done, then that would be great.

Rohit Razdan
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
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