[Soc] TDSP implementation for pgRouting Weekly Report

Jay Mahadeokar jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 09:07:02 EDT 2011


Weekly Report #11
Date - 12th Aug 2011

Current Progress.
I completed the APSP algorithm and removed a few bugs and problems that were
present in the previous draft.
Updated the github repository, I also wrote a tutorial to get started, run
and test the algorithm. [2].

For TDSP algorithm, I polished the code, added comments etc. Also, I wrote a
plsql data generator function that generates random time dependent data
corresponding to the ways table. It demonstrates the tdsp algorithm in a
better way. I have added the plsql function to github repo too. [3].

Next weeks goal
Write tutorial for testing using random data, work on documentation etc.
Keep doing some tests. Discuss about packaging the algorithm with pgRouting

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Jay Mahadeokar <jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Weekly Report #10
> Date - 5th Aug 2011
> Current Progress.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> After much brain-storming in the community, we decided that the proposed
> cyclic data optimization was a little bit premature, and we would just focus
> on completion of the basic algorithm as proposed in the GSoc proposal during
> the GSoc timeline.
> So, the major function will be pgr_time_dependent_shortest_path.
> For cyclic data, we will have function like: pgr_tdsp_cyclic. The
> weight_map class has been modified for that, but the default constructor
> keeps the behaviour non-cyclic for now. We will keep brainstorming until the
> requirements and idea of cyclic data are properly identified and defined and
> then provide support for the optimization.
> In the mean time I also cleaned up the code and continued testing.
> Next week goals.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Try and finish up the documentation work needed for tdsp. Including
> examples to convert some common data formats to tdsp and potential plsql
> scripts for the same.
> Since the major portion of GSoc proposal is completed,I also plan to work
> on all-pairs shortest path implementation for pgRouting(not part of the GSoc
> proposal, I had worked on it earlier), and I will try and finish it up and
> document it within GSoc timeline as planned earlier with my mentor if time
> permits.
> --
> Regards,
> -Jay Mahadeokar

-Jay Mahadeokar
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