[SoC] Re: Multi-modal public transit routing for pgRouting

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Sat Aug 27 11:01:19 EDT 2011

Hi Kishore,

Thank you very much for your great work to bring multi-modal routing support
to pgRouting!

There is for sure still a lot to do to get a new release out with all the
new stuff from this years GSoC. But this year you and Jay brought pgRouting
a big step forward! I think the whole community hopes that you will remain
active contributors, especially Steve, Anton and I do so.

At FOSS4G conference in Denver at the pgRouting presentation I will mention
the new development of Jay and you, so it's nice to be able to show your
demo. Please make sure that it's not offline right that time as it seems
that the link (http://busroutemaps.in/chennai-rail) doesn't work at the
moment ;-)


On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 3:13 AM, Kishore Kumar <justjkk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is my fourteenth and possibly last weekly report.
> Things done in the fourteenth week:
> * Wrote a tutorial/instructions page for using the feature.[1]
> * Made a demo[2][3] using the separately maintained dotpath[4] project.
> * Submitted final evaluations to Google.
> I made this far, thanks to Mr.Daniel Kastl of georepublic for being my
> co-mentor and guiding me right from drafting the proposal till the very end,
> my mentor Mr.Anton Patrushev for giving technical support and moral
> inspiration, Mr.Stephen Woodbridge for his valuable support and
> encouragement during proposal phase and also during the coding phase.
> Without all your support and encouragement, this wouldn't have been a
> success.
> Thanks to OSGeo SoC admins and Google for bringing us together and
> developing the community. You are so making me wish I had one more year in
> college. ;)
> [1] - https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/MMPTR-Tutorial
> [2] - http://busroutemaps.in/chennai-rail
> [3] -
> https://github.com/justjkk/dotpath/commit/a0c2cae4cb8f910c7146e2a3228cd0b6675c1681
> [4] - https://github.com/justjkk/dotpath
> Thanks,
> J Kishore kumar.
> PS: I was top-posting to my previous weekly reports to get all the reports
> in a single mail but it overshot the allowed message size.
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Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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