[Soc] TDSP implementation for pgRouting Weekly Report

Jay Mahadeokar jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 13:10:08 EDT 2011


Here is my weekly report #2. Also available at [1].
Date - 3rd June 2011

According to tentative project plan [3]:
Finish the design of project, and the core-time dependent shortest path
implementation and test the code with dummy data till 15 June.

Current Progress:
I had implemented initial draft of the core time-dependent algorithm in 1st
week. I fixed a few bugs that were there in the initial draft.

Organised the code into different header files - binary_heap.h,
weight_map.h, edge_wrapper.h.

Added a boost - dijkstra test function which calls
boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths() so as to verify the result.
Also, wrote a graph generator which can generate random graphs according to
the parameters specified:
- number of vertices
- maximum outdegree of a vertex (I keep this 6 or 8 , since 6 is degree
limit for planar graphs)
- Number of time windows and the range of time windows.

So, to see if the result returned by tdsp-dijkstra function is correct,  I
generated random graphs with time window 1, which starts from 0, meaning
that the same travel time will be there for any given start time. This is
basically static dijkstra.

I compared the results returned by tdsp-dijkstra and boost-dijkstra and I am
getting same output. Tried for graphs with 20,100,500,1000 nodes with max
outdegree 8. (generating graphs with nodes more than that was taking too
much time and my CPU was getting overworked!)

Only difference in boost-output and tdsp-output comes when there are more
than one shortest paths of same length. The there might be difference of
predecessors. I guess that is because of different implementations of
priority queue (binary_heap in my case).

I have updated the code in gsoc-tdsp branch: [2]. Please review, any
comments are welcome.

Also, the actual time-dependent functionality i.e multiple time windows
needs to be tested for real world large graphs. To do this, we are planning
to generate time dependent data ourselves corresponding to the static data
available in pgRouting-workshop database, since such data is not freely
available as far as our knowledge.

Some of the options for this data generation (according to discussions in
pgrouting-dev list)are:

- Generate random data (That would take most extreme test cases into
- If we think about "rush hour" around a major city, the highways (based on
road class) flowing into the city in the morning would get reduced average
speeds you could apply curve like average speed*percent based on 6am (90%),
7am(75%), 8am(45%), 9am(50%), 10am(85%) and do something similar in the
evening rush. It might be too hard to figure on direction of flow in/out
bound so apply the curve to all traffic. The assumption is that the highways
are congested which will force traffic onto side streets. We can also reduce
the lower class speeds by say a constant 80% during rush hour.

Next week goals:

* Generate the time-dependent data corresponding to the data in
pgRouting-workshop as planned above.
* Start working on writing postgreSQL C function that will call the
core-time dependent function.
* Keep testing the core function, find bugs if any, and fix them.

[2] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-tdsp
[3] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/TDSP-Tentative-Project-Plan
-Jay Mahadeokar
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