[SoC] Design and implement an API for tiled vectorial support ofgeo-location data services #4

Rubén Blanco rblanco at prodevelop.es
Mon Jun 20 07:18:05 EDT 2011


I've updated my project Wiki with the last week work, it is available at:

*Week 13/06/2011 - 19/06/2011*

    * Develop JSON to GeoJSON longitude/latitude to coordenate points
    * Develop HTTP petitions


    * Need to spend more time developing this week to accelerate the

*Week 20/06/2011 - 26/06/2011*

    * Do some petition-parse test with Panoramio
    * Location Config documentation
    * Define Common APIs parameters
    * Finish dev the GeoJSON points coverter


Ruben Blanco
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