[SoC] gvSIG Mini GSoC

Alberto Romeu aromeu at prodevelop.es
Sun Mar 20 14:45:26 EDT 2011

Hi all,

my name is Alberto RomeuSince 2008 I'm involved in the development of 
gvSIG Mini and gvSIG Mobile.

I'd like to become a mentor for gvSIG Mini for Android.

I have some ideas to develop for gvSIG Mini related to Location Based 
Services, client implementation of OGC standards (OpenLS, GML, KML...), 
social and geo-location services integration. I'm putting all together 
on the gvSIG GSoC ideas wiki [1] which is open to everybody who wants to 
comment, suggest or add any other ideas.

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_GSoC_2011_Ideas


Alberto Romeu.

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