[SoC] Availability for Mentoring Integration projects

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Mar 28 03:20:02 EDT 2011

Il giorno dom, 27/03/2011 alle 08.53 -0700, Alex Mandel ha scritto:

> Solvable - The only reason it hasn't been shifted is that all the stuff
> with python deps needs to be recompiled against a newer version of
> python AFAIK.

I would add: it has to be solved anyway, sooner or later.

> I think a good goal might be a separate package from the core QGIS, in
> the case of ubuntu a deb that is optional. So a side task on this might
> be to find a way to build QGIS C++ packages separate from the core and
> allow for easy add-on and also allow for optional dep adding to include
> otb itself.

I think we should stick to Python as much as possible for non-core
plugins. Our experience of non-core C++ plugins has never been
especially brilliant: they fall very easily in the shadow, they are very
difficult to have in many different platform, to keep in synch with
changes in trunk, and they end up being much less used than they would
In brief, my suggestion is: either a non core Python plugin, or a core C
++ one (including the dependency on OTB).

> Has someone on the OTB team been paying attention to the raster reproj
> branch that's being merged into QGIS 1.7? Does this help?

Yes, I would suggest to have a look to this; in case it does not solve
it entirely, it would be a good idea to further improve the raster
provider to add support for this.

All the best.

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