[SoC] Re: Fwd: Google Summer of Code 2012 has been anounced

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Feb 7 16:03:58 EST 2012

Open Hardware, that's a really good question, one I think you should
talk to Google about. On a spin I'm sure writing code for an adruino
based sensor kit would qualify.

In terms of the other stuff, I would suggest cross posting to the OSGeo
SoC list as it has most of the mentors from previous years who work on
things like GRASS, Opticks, SAGA, OTB,etc.. (All remote sensing
platforms & libraries).


On 02/07/2012 12:48 PM, Jeffrey Warren wrote:
> I think we should try to get into this program this year. Is anyone
> interested in helping to coordinate this effort, or in doing a GSOC with
> PLOTS this summer? Ideas for projects:
> - Clashifier open source image classification (goal: identify wetlands
> species and/or oil contamination) - http://github.com/jywarren/clashifier
> - Spectral Workbench open source spectral analysis (goal: spectrum pattern
> matching to identify oil contamination) -
> http://github.com/jywarren/spectral-workbench
> - MapKnitter open source image rectification and GIS (goal: spectrum
> pattern matching to identify oil contamination) -
> http://github.com/jywarren/mapknitter
> - open source live NDVI/NRG infrared vegetation analysis from an Android
> phone (based on code in
> https://github.com/jywarren/infrared-visible-video-kit)
> I'm sure there are many other possibilities as well! Also, does Google
> Summer of Code support open hardware efforts?
> Jeff
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 13:36:50 -0800
> From: Cat Allman <allman at google.com>
> Subject: Google Summer of Code 2012 has been anounced
> If you, your students, or your friends and family are potentially
> interested in a paid internship developing open source software,
> please read on....
> We're pleased to announce that Google Summer of Code will be happening
> for its eighth year this year. Please check out the blog post [1]
> about the program and read the FAQs [2] and Timeline [3] on Melange
> for more information.
> [1] -
> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2012/02/google-summer-of-code-2012-is-on.html
> [2] -
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/faqs
> [3] - http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
> Cheers,
> Cat
> --
> Cat Allman
> allman at google.com
> 1-650-214-4886
> Open Source Programs Office
> Mountain View, CA USA
> code.google.com
> ...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them
> from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time,
> but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the
> reach of accident.
> ? Thomas Jefferson, February 18, 1791

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