[SoC] GSoC Weekly Report #7 - Design and implement an API for tiled vectorial support of POIProxy for gvSIG Mini

Arturo Argilés Casasús arturojargiles at gmail.com
Sat Aug 3 00:40:29 PDT 2013


First part of the project is almost there…

* Implemented a first version of a reverse-geocoding control, that given a
point, requests POIProxy for
the geographical name.

* Fixed some bugs on the POIProxy layer, some others are still there…

- None

*Work for the next week*:

- Validate the first part of the project with my mentor
- Test, test and test

The source code of my project can be found here [1] and additional
documentation here [2]

[1] https://svn.prodevelop.es/public/gvsigmini/poiproxy/



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