[SoC] OSM cgimap GSOC 2013 report #7

Paul Norman penorman at mac.com
Fri Aug 16 21:54:11 PDT 2013

This week was mainly refactoring tests to be more readable and cleaner.
Didn't feel productive, but looking at the lines of code refactored I guess
I did get work done.

What did I get done?

Refactoring of tests to eliminate having to write xpath in every single

Finished testing cgimap with apidb backend for single- and multi-element
fetch. It now passes all tests, subject to a couple of pull requests. I have
a pull request moving these calls out of --enable-experimental.

I ran the tests against cgimap+pgsnapshot. It looks like it passes, subject
to those same pull requests, and the fact it doesn't have history so
history-requiring calls won't return old data.

Next week:

I keep saying it, but /ways/id#/full and such. These should be easier now
that I've done the refactoring.


As with last week, I need to figure out how to have apache send GET requests
to one place and POST/PUT/DELETE elsewhere. To quote Matt, "I assume there's
something for it in Apache's labyrinthine set of configuration parameters"

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