[SoC] Coding start in a week - 17th June. Ready?

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 00:40:41 PDT 2013

Hello all, mentors and students!

I hope you have been active during Community bonding period, and that
everything is ready for next step: start coding.

Students: you should have introduced themselves on your project's
mailing lists/irc channels, and described your idea to the developers.
Your mentor guided you in setting up the development environment (code
checkout, dev tools installation, test data preparation if needed).
If you need any guidance on this, it is time to ask your mentor and me!

Coding period will start on Monday, 17th June. OSGeo GSoC rules require
students to send a weekly report to this list and the relevant dev list
of your project:


If you feel like blogging, please do. I'll ask how to include the blog
posts on OSGeo planet - it will bring extra comments from the wider

If you have any questions (really, *any* question! "What should I do
now?" is a valid one) don't hesitate to mail me. I prefer to clarify
your doubts now, than during midterm evaluations :)

All the best!

OSGeo GSoC Admin
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