[SoC] GSoC - istSOS 2013 Weekly reports #1

Francesco Massa massa80 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 06:30:26 PDT 2013


Week #1

Hi there, 

I am Francesco Massa and my GSoC project is the istSOS implementation of 
a “profile” data structure to manage data from fixed or mobile sensors (CTD 
probe or GLIDER AUV acquisition):  the data profile ideal is more that a 
set of measurements as it keeps inside many environmental details.

Work done in week 1

In this first week I anwered to these questions:

   - What does “a profile data structure” mean for me and for other users 
   (Mentor, Oceanographers, Engineers, Geologists, others end-Users)? 
   So I understand the profiles are seen by all of us in different but 
   similar way (and just as well, in my view) expected of the field 
   application or the instruments of measure.

 I get a definition in INSPIRE documents (D2.9_O&M_Guidelines_v2.0rc3): 

“A ProfileObservation is an Observation representing the measurement of a 
property along a vertical profile in space at a single time instant. For 
example a profile measuring salinity at different depths in the ocean.” For 
example in oceanography CTD probe profile, ADCP current profiler, 
inclinometer profile are all good example of this definition.

   - How are the data stored in a database? So I started exploring the 
   istSOS database model and I understood it. 

  I think that to store ProfileObservation I could use an Array data: so 
all data are linked in a unique and more efficient "structure" and this 
makes easy manage, validate this data type.

   - Which kind of filters are expected in GetObservation operation in both 
   SOS standards 1.0 and 2.0?  So I read and compared both implementation 
   standards 1.0 and 2.0.
 Work to be done in week 2

  There are many questions in my mind about data Array: 

   Can I run any queries on the table with array fields? 
   What is SQL syntax to make select, filter or join using array data?
    Can I extract array data using a SQL WHERE condition? (example: 
   A=[1,2,3,4,5] X=3 is it possible to extract a new array B with the only 
   elements of A in which A>X, B[4,5]?)
 Next week I need to do some test with array data after I've modified 
istSOS model database with arrays fields. 

   - How is XML model for the observations and measurements (OM) used and 
   how could the profile data type fit into the XML model? 

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