[SoC] Fwd: GSoC Weekly Report #1 - Design and implement an API for tiled vectorial support of POIProxy for gvSIG Mini

Arturo Argilés Casasús arturojargiles at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 01:12:18 PDT 2013


my name's Arturo Argilés and this summer I'm going to work on the gvSIG
Mini project, adding support to POIProxy. The complete proposal can be
found here [1]

Due to final master exams I have not had time to prepare the workspace,
start reading documentation, so I've used these initial days for that

* Familiarize with the gvSIG Mini projects, wiki, SVN and Github, maven,
Google App Engine...

* Built the gvSIG Mini workspace

* Read POIProxy documentation and play a bit with it


* No further problems at the moment

*Work for the next week*:

* Study the gvSIG Mini layers model

* Design a new layer to connect to POIProxy services

* Start writing code to connect to a random POIProxy service




Arturo Argilés Casasús
Consultor de Marketing Online (SEO, SEM, Analítica web, Social Media)
telf. 677 476 190
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