[SoC] GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 11

Martina Porfiri martina.porfiri at uniroma1.it
Fri Aug 1 14:25:14 PDT 2014

Hi all,below you can find the week report n°
.Work done

In order to better explain the work done during this week, it could be
useful a brief summary. At first I was focused on restarting the
implementation of otbice_CoverFlow application using ICE APIs; in order to
not modify the initial ICE code, it was necessary to implement a new class
(GlView_CF) to manage the rendering. Because it get some rendering
problems, I chose to left this application and resume basicviewer one. Find
hereafter a more detailed report:

   - I have restarted the implementation of otbice_CoverFlow in order to
   integrate ICE APIs. This has required:
      - the implemention of a new viewing class (GlView_CF) that,
      inheriting GlView one and having its specific rendering functions (as
      BeforeRendering_CF, LightRender_CF, HeavyRender_CF), allows to
manage image
      rendering without modify the initial ICE code
      - the reorganization of the GlCoverFlow class, i.e. replacing its
      rendering functions with ICE ones

   - Because the previous way turned out to be not efficient mainly due to
   code structure differences, I chose a more linear way. Doing a backward
   step, I have implemented image rendering using basicviewer application and
   GlView_CF class. It was also necessary to update basicviewer structure for
   loading more than one images. At the moment, basicviewer application allows
   to load three images in a ‘static CoverFlow’: the centered image (second
   loaded) is in evidence respect the others

[image: Static CoverFlow.png]

Work to be done in the next week

   - I will continue to implement basicviewer for image rendering computing
   automatically relative positions between images (now positions are set one
   by one). The idea is to implement the CoverFlow module directly in
   GlCover_CF in order to simplify the procedure

   - I will investigate more details OpenGL rendering function in order to
   create an efficient view perspective for the CoverFlow visualization

Blocking issues

   - This week I obtained a first result, but I still have to better
   investigate rendering functions

*Project links:*

Wikipage: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/GSoC_2014_project
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Mporfiri/gsoc_2014

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