[SoC] GSoC Neo4j Spatial Cypher Project - Week 11 Update

William Lyon lyonwj at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 10:54:41 PDT 2014

Hi All-

What did I accomplish this week?

* Completed training course Graph Data Modeling With Neo4j in Portland, OR. Attended in-person and completed associated exercises. While this is not directly related to my GSoC project implementation, attending this training helped me get a better feel for and experience with how users are solving problems with Neo4j and the data modeling considerations involved with these implementations. Connecting with other users/developers in this community also was very beneficial.

What will I do next week?
* Continue with implementing additional spatial querying.
* I also plan to begin a detailed summary / example tutorial doc detailing how Spatial Cypher (as implemented in this project) can be used.

Am I blocked?
* No.



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