[SoC] GSOC Weekly Report #12 - PostGIS View Module for Cartar

Naveen Panwar panwarnaveen9 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 10:14:04 PDT 2014


Please find the GSOC week #12 report as follow.

Report URL -

*Weekly Report (3rd August to 9th August) -*

*Aim* - Implement the spatial filter functions for the module.

*Things, I have done this week*

   - Completed the query for *Spatial Measurements*.
   - Added comparison operators to support measurement query.
   - Added numeric data input with Geometry B text area.
   - Added the list of all node ids which has module type *'postgis'* to
   input form.


   - Faced error when I enable users to expose the filter module. Which is
   probably due to unset variable, will try to fix it ASAP.
   - Need to add some variable as global rather then recalculating them
   again and again. Like: List of postgis fields and their respective nids.

*Things to do next week*

   - Testing for existing functionality.
   - GSoC documentation, code cleaning and commenting.

*Reference Modules/Files* -

   - views_handler_filter.inc
   - postgis_views_handler_filter_geometry.inc

*Am I blocked on anything ?*


*Naveen Panwar*
IIIT-Hyderabad, India.

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