[SoC] GSoC Neo4j Spatial Cypher Week 12 Report

William Lyon lyonwj at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 13:32:25 PDT 2014

Full report is available here: https://github.com/johnymontana/neo4j/wiki/week12

What did I accomplish this week:
1) Began writing tutorial document (available here: https://github.com/johnymontana/neo4j/wiki/tutorial ) to describe how to use Spatial Cypher, with examples and developer documentation.
2) Designed plan for demo app and began implementing. Demo will use data from the Yelp Academic Dataset on businesses. A map frontend using leaflet.js will allow the user to select business categories and draw a polygon on the map. This will send an ajax request to a Neo4j instance that will execute Spatial/Cypher queries to find businesses within this polygon and category. Finally, markers will be added to the map with business detail information. This project will provide a nice end-to-end example of how Spatial Cypher can be used for a (somewhat) real world application. Initial version of the demo web app is available here: http://spatialcypherdemo.herokuapp.com/ Note that there is no backend yet so no markers will appear after a polygon is drawn.

What will I do next week:
1) Complete tutorial as described above.
2) Complete demo web app as described above.


Will Lyon

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