[SoC] GSOC Weekly Report #7 - PostGIS View Module for Cartaro

Naveen Panwar panwarnaveen9 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 09:38:28 PDT 2014


Please find the GSOC week #7 report as follow.

Report URL - *https://github.com/panwarnaveen9/View-Module-for-Cartaro-GSOC2014/wiki/Code-Week-%237

Modified Timeline -

*Weekly Report (29th June to 5th July) -*

*Aim* - Implement the spatial filter functions for the module.

*Things, I have done this week*

   - Tracing the query function call.
   - Query function Pipeline.
      - postgis_views_handler_filter_geometry.inc
      - views/handlers/views_handler_filter.inc
      - views/includes/handlers.inc
      - views/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
   - Expose the "query->add_where()" function in


   - I am still confuse which "where-function" we are supposed to expose.
   There are two functions:
      1. query->add_where()
      2. query->add_where_expression()

*Mentor Suggestions*

   - Due to network unavailability I was not able to connect with my
   mentor. I will discuss above issue with mentor and try to resolve it ASAP.

*Modified Timeline*

   - Developing the fully functional filter module take two more week.
   - I am planning to use 9th week's *buffer time* to complete the filter
   - I will give more updates on it in next week report.

*Things to do next week*

   - Boost up the work on filter module.
   - Understand the query functions customization in Views.

*Reference Modules/Files* -

   - handlers.inc
   - views_plugin_query_default.inc

*Am I blocked on anything ?*

Technically No, but this week I was held back by bad network connection.

*Naveen Panwar*
IIIT-Hyderabad, India.

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