[SoC] UbuntuGIS Report 10

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Mon Jul 28 05:02:34 PDT 2014


This week I continued work on gt-metadata. Thanks to Jody Garnett of 
GeoTools I was able to get the same source for JSR-275 that is used in 
the maven build to repackage it. This fix some of the errors I was 
getting while compiling the build. I'm still having a wildcard error 
that doesn't happen if I use the same patched pom.xml manually.
You can see the build log here: 

This week I'll be looking into this problem to try to understand why it 
happens and create a patch for it.

Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

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