[SoC] GSoC Weekly Report #1 - Process chaining capabilitys for PyWPS

Anna Homolka mail at anna-homolka.de
Fri May 23 09:03:47 PDT 2014

Hi all,


1) What do I have accomplished this week?

defined the functions my process chain should support and compared them to
the functionalities of existing business processing languages.  


2) What will I do next week

continue giving thoughts to the design of the language, especially to the
question, why I'm not using existing languages like BPEL and finish the
design of the language.


3) Am I blocked on anything?

At the moment I'm not blocked.


Repository of my project: Github: https://github.com/AnnaHomolka/PyWPS

Wiki of my project: Wiki: http://wiki.rsg.pml.ac.uk/pywps/AnnaHomolka


Best regards 


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