[SoC] Report 12 - Nasa WWW Multidimensional visualization tool
gabrieleprestifilippo at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 08:12:47 PDT 2016
This is my twelfh report for the GSoC. I am working on NASA WWW
Multidimensional visualization tool.
Week 12
Brief description of the idea: My project consists in the development of
a Web Application, using the NASA Web WorldWind framework, to create a
tool capable of visualize multidimensional datasets in more than three
The state of the project as it was BEFORE your GSoC: There was not a
similar project before developed with NASA Web WorldWind. Thus, my
project is an implementation of a new application using the mentioned
The addition that your project brought to the software: Thanks to my
project is now possible to visualize using different models,
multidimensional datasets in a 3D environment.
Testing the project is possible from the following link: MuViAS Webpage
<>. It is possible to download the
project or even try a demo from an hosted version of the application.
Here a screenshot of the application:
Gabriele Prestifilippo.
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