[SoC] Last Report - Android istSOS client

Florin-Daniel Cioloboc cioloboc.florin at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 14:20:28 PDT 2016


*Brief description:*
My project focused on developing an Android Client for the istSOS community.

*The state of the project as it was BEFORE your GSoC:*
istSOS was only available as a platform that could be self-configured,
developed in Python and my goal was to extend the possibilities of using
istSOS in the Java-Android direction.

*The addition that your project brought to the software:*
In my project, I developed a core API Wrapper that exposes the
communication of the core features of istSOS in Java, therefore developers
can use the core in order to customize and develop applications
specifically for their needs.

Secondly, the library was adapted in order to suit the needs for Android
development. This is where I developed a showcase demo-type that implements
the core functionality for the app.


This is towards the OSGeo wiki page where all my reports and links to the
repositories exist, practically everything related to the project can be
found there and in the repos.






*Note:* I'm still doing some bug fixing, some features implementation, and
updates to the documentation for the android demo but I'll wrap it up soon.
The code will be pulled to the istSOS repos this week but links are already
included in the OSGeo wiki.

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