[SoC] Report7 - Nasa WWW Multidimensional visualization tool

Gabriele Prestifilippo gabrieleprestifilippo at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 11:19:44 PDT 2016

Dear All,

This is my seventh report for the GSoC. I am working on Nasa WWW
Multidimensional visualization tool.


Week 7

1.   What did you get done this week?
This Week I continued working on the documentation, which is almost done. I
also finished the extrusion model, to show two variables of a dataset in the
same time, one with the color and one thanks to the extrusion of the doxel.
I also created a connection to an external Rasdaman database to query some
data thanks to the WCPS.

2.   What do you plan on doing next week?
Next Week I will finish the documentation and I will create some demos to
show users how to interact with the application with some predefined

3.   Are you blocked on anything?
Right now I am not blocked on anything



Gabriele Prestifilippo.

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