[SoC] Fwd: Report 2 - QGIS Symbology Sharing Tools

Akbar Gumbira akbargumbira at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 01:06:41 PDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Akbar Gumbira <akbargumbira at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Subject: Report 2 - QGIS Symbology Sharing Tools
To: Google Summer of Code Coordination <soc at lists.osgeo.org>,
qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>, Alessandro Pasotti <
apasotti at gmail.com>, Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>

Hi All,

Here is the report for the 2nd week of GSoC

*What did you get done this week?*
This week I implemented the basic UI. I created a repository here (
https://github.com/akbargumbira/qgis_symbology_sharing).  It's a QGIS
python plugin so you can clone it to your local python plugin directory to
try it. I made it similar to the Python Plugin Repositories as they both
have the same functionalities. Here is a screenshot of the UI:
What it can do now is saving the repositories to the QSettings.

*What do you plan on doing next week?*
This week I will have 3 final exams and one in next monday. I will not
focus on GSoC this week. But I will start looking at fetching the metadata
file from the git repository. This metadata file contains collections
definition. After adding a connection and fetching the metadata, the tools
will save the collections defined there and save it to local db (thinking
of simple sqlite). Later this database will be used for browsing or
searching collections.

I am also going to set up Travis there (trying out the new QGIS testing
module as well).

*Are you blocked on anything?*
Not really, but I haven't figured out yet on how to fetch the metadata file
from the git repository using simple HTTP request without depending on the
host site. In Github or Bitbucket they provide a direct link to the raw
file. But I think I should look at more general approach without
manipulating the URL depending on the host. If you have some input, I would
be happy to assess it.



*Akbar Gumbira *
*www.akbargumbira.com <http://www.akbargumbira.com>*


*Akbar Gumbira *
*www.akbargumbira.com <http://www.akbargumbira.com>*
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