[SoC] Report 3 - QGIS Symbology Sharing Tools

Akbar Gumbira akbargumbira at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 03:55:44 PDT 2016

Hi All,

Here is the report for the 3rd week of GSoC

*What did you get done this week?*
This week I didn't have much time to work on GSoC, but I managed to:

   - Try some python git libraries, but didn't really find one that could
   easily be used without some further efforts contributing on the libraries
   first. Using git to interact with the git repositories is really nice to
   have for example to clone only one collections from a repository (one
   repository could have many collections).
   - Implement some basic classes to deal with remote git repository (now
   it could fetch the metadata)
   - Configure testing: Travis and Coveralls. For testing I used Matthias'
   mocked QGIS module, not Ale's testing framework with QGIS on docker.

*What do you plan on doing next week?*
This week I am planning to:

   - Continue working on the modules to handle remote repository so that it
   can more neatly handle other cases (timeout, the repo isn't available, the
   metadata isn't available, etc)
   - Parsing the metadata file to a collections object
   - Update the add, edit, and delete repository slots to also update the
   collections object when those actions happened.

Finally I will have the last final exam tomorrow on Monday. After that, I
will work full-time on this (though I still need to do some administrations
for a few weeks here). I made a gitter chat room here:
https://gitter.im/akbargumbira/qgis_symbology_sharing so you can ping me
there for faster response. The repository is here
https://github.com/akbargumbira/qgis_symbology_sharing. I would be happy to
get code review from any of you .

*Are you blocked on anything?*
For now, no.


*Akbar Gumbira *
*www.akbargumbira.com <http://www.akbargumbira.com>*
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