[SoC] Report 3 - istSOS Android Client

Florin-Daniel Cioloboc cioloboc.florin at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 06:53:47 PDT 2016

Hello everyone,

Here's the report for my third week in GSoC.

*What did you get done this week?*
I've been focused on getting the istSOS, Server and Database classes to
work, in order to handle requests to istSOS as part of the Java Core e.g.
create, delete services on server, connect and validate connection to
database among many other.

I've also took more time to update my OSGeo wiki page with links to the
github repos, as well as more information about what my project is. At the
same time, I'll include my weekly reports on that page.

*What do you plan on doing next week?*
Tweaking the work so far, as well as focusing on implementing features
related to services, procedures. I also plan to improve the way it handles
configuration settings.

*Are you blocked on anything?*
I was a couple of days ago but with guidance from my mentor I've managed to
overcome that obstacle.

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