[SoC] Week-3 WebGrass

Mayank Agrawal mayankagrawal333 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 10:38:22 PDT 2016

Hi everyone,

I am Mayank Agrawal and I am working on webgrass.

my report for the week 3

Q. What did you get done this week?

   - MainUI updated.
   - Layertree Manager UI
   - Display UI.
   - Code modularity.

Pull Request <https://github.com/rashadkm/webgrass/pull/10>


Status - UI for grass tree manager and Display has been done

Q. What do you plan on doing next week?

   - g.parser for the webgrass.
   - work on grass modules.
   - generation of xml file for modules and parsing of options.

Q. Are you blocked on anything?
Not rite now.

Mayank Agrawal
Lab for Spatial Informatics
IIIT Hyderabad
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