[SoC] Report 4 - Nasa WWW Multidimensional visualization tool

Gabriele Prestifilippo gabrieleprestifilippo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 05:26:45 PDT 2016

This is my fourth report for the GSoC. I am working on Nasa WWW
Multidimensional visualization tool.


Week 4

1.   What did you get done this week?
This week I finished all the filters for the voxels.
I worked also on a first implementation of the slider to navigate through
the time

2.   What do you plan on doing next week?
Next Week I will finish the time slider to let it work with all the filters.
Maybe I will try to import other kinds of data in the application.

3.   Are you blocked on anything?
Right now I am not blocked on anything



Gabriele Prestifilippo.

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