[SoC] Mentoring for NASA Web World Wind project

Jakub Balhar jakub at balhar.net
Thu Mar 24 09:20:47 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I would like to become a mentor for Gabriele Presti Filippo for the project
NASA Web World Wind (https://webworldwind.org/)

A bit about myself:
Professionally I have been developing software for approximately 10 years
in different areas of expertise. I was working with the geographical
software at two opportunities. As a developer of application for optimizing
map routes and now as a developer of NASA Web World Wind and PUMA (
puma.worldbank.org) project.

More information at my accounts:

I am involved in the development of the NASA Web World Wind framework for
approximately 9 months as a developer responsible mainly for implementation
of the support for KML.

Is there anything else, I have to do in order to become a mentor?

Best regards,
Jakub Balhar
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