[SoC] GSoC 2017 Weekly Report 12 - SOS tools in GRASS GIS

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Aug 30 09:25:55 PDT 2017

Hello Ondřej,

Can you please record this final report on your wiki page in the weekly 
timeline at https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2017/SOSInGRASS as 
soon as possible?  thanks,

-GSoC admins

On 2017-08-22 6:11 PM, Ondřej Pešek wrote:
> Hi Madi,
> oh, I'm sorry. I have read that manual, but I have thought that the 
> final report will be the next one. My fault. So here it is reelaborated.
> *Project Title:*
> SOS tools in GRASS GIS
> *Organization:*
> Google Summer of Code 2017
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
> *Abstract:*
> Intended modules would enable the user to create a vector, a raster 
> based on some aggregations and create a space time vector or raster 
> dataset, everything directly from user's access to the SOS server. 
> t.vect.to.rast would also allow the user to convert a space time vector 
> dataset into a raster dataset. The user should be also allowed to get 
> the capabilities to get info about sensors from these modules and filter 
> the results.
> *Pre-GSoC:*
> GRASS GIS didn't have any module to work with Sensor Observation Service 
> (SOS). When the user wanted to use data from his SOS server, he had to 
> access them through OWSLib, convert them into GRASS GIS or OGR supported 
> format ad then import it somehow to GRASS GIS as one huge file.
> *Added value:*
> v.in.sos imports data from SOS server as a vector map to GRASS GIS. It 
> creates one layer for each offering and observed property.
> r.in.sos imports data from SOS server as a raster maps to GRASS GIS. It 
> creates new raster map for each timestamp. User is allowed to use some 
> aggregations and granularity to filter data.
> t.vect.in.sos imports data from SOS server to GRASS GIS as a 
> spatio-temporal vector dataset. It creates new stvds for each offering 
> and observed property (created from one vector map as an intermediate).
> t.rast.in.sos imports data from SOS server to GRASS GIS as a 
> spatio-temporal raster dataset. It creates new strds for each property 
> and each procedure (registered from raster maps created as intermediates).
> t.vect.to.rast doesn't import data from SOS server to GRASS GIS. It 
> converts a space time vector dataset into a space time raster dataset.
> *Continued Work:*
> There are some issues or possible enhancements in the modules.
> v.in.sos uses timestamps as column names for each layer. The problem is 
> that it is not possible to have more than 3000 columns in SQLite table 
> (GRASS GIS attribute table) without SQLite recompilation. It will be 
> little bit solved by granularity and this module isn't so necessary when 
> there is t.vect.in.sos, but it is still useful for some purposes and 
> this is really lack.
> t.vect.to.rast is working, but if you take  look at t.rast.to.vect, you 
> can see much more options. It would be great to involve them also into 
> this module.
> It would be also great to have a flag for ignoring empty procedures in 
> all the modules.
> *Link:
> *
> The modules github repository: 
> https://github.com/pesekon2/GRASS-GIS-SOS-tools
> (they should be moved into the official GRASS GIS add-ons repository in 
> the future)
> *One image to show how can visualized sensors look on the OSM map:*
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pesekon2/GRASS-GIS-SOS-tools/d566c868a50f12ba6fc4e1d6b953e9708e4b0061/image_vector_import.png
> 2017-08-18 22:22 GMT+02:00 Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com 
> <mailto:diregola at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi Ondrej,
>     Thank you for your report.
>     Note that this is your final report and was supposed to be a summary
>     of your work. Please, read
>     https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/soc/2017-August/003827.html
>     <https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/soc/2017-August/003827.html> and
>     re-elaborate your report to meet the given template
>     -- 
>     Margherita Di Leo

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