[SoC] Week 12 Final Report: GRASS GIS Locations from Public Data

Zechariah Krautwurst zfkrautw at ncsu.edu
Wed Aug 30 13:38:43 PDT 2017

Thanks Jeff. I’ve added the final weekly report to the project wiki.


On August 30, 2017 at 9:30:05 AM, Jeff McKenna (
jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com) wrote:

Hello Zechariah,

Can you please record this final report on your wiki page in the weekly
timeline as soon possible


-GSoC Admins

On 2017-08-21 2:03 AM, Zechariah Krautwurst wrote:
> *Project Title:*
> GRASS GIS Locations from Public Data
> *Organization:*
> Google Summer of Code 2017
> Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
> *Abstract:*
> r.in.usgs is an add-on module for GRASS GIS that greatly simplifies the
> process of downloading and using USGS raster datasets.
> *Pre-GSoC:*
> Before r.in.usgs was created, USGS raster imagery was selected through a
> web-based interface, manually downloaded, and manually imported into
> GRASS GIS through a multi-step process. The process requires prior
> knowledge of USGS dataset parameters, spatial reference systems,
> coordinate reprojection, computational regions, and the appropriate
> GRASS GIS tools and methods.
> *Added value:*
> r.in.usgs provides a GRASS GIS GUI that suggests appropriate default
> parameters, as well as provides advanced options for downloading
> available USGS datasets. The module assembles user-input information
> with the required GRASS GIS parameters and tools to automatically
> download, import, reproject, and patch complex USGS raster data in a
> single process.
> *Continued Work:*
> r.in.usgs currently handles all three products from the USGS National
> Elevation Dataset (NED) as well as all three products from the National
> Land Cover Dataset (NLCD). Several other USGS datasets are made
> available for download but each requires custom formatting and further
> modifications to the r.in.usgs script processes.
> Further development of the module should include continued incorporation
> of USGS datasets, as well as creating accessible tools for sources of
> international data. Ultimately, creating a module that allows GRASS GIS
> users to contribute to a centralized, automated repository of properly
> formatted publicly available datasets would provide a huge service to
> the open source GIS community.
> r.in.usgs will be moved into the official GRASS GIS add-ons repository
> in the coming week.
> *Links and Documentation:*
> OSGeo project wiki:
> Git repository:
> https://github.com/zkwurst/GSoC2017-GRASS-GIS
> Raw code:
> Raw html documentation:
> Google Docs version of html documentation:
> Zechariah F. Krautwurst
> NCSU College of Natural Resources
> MGIST Candidate 2017
> zfkrautw at ncsu.edu <mailto:zfkrautw at ncsu.edu>
> www.zekefrank.com <http://www.zekefrank.com>
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