[SoC] Week 7: Web API plugin for QGIS Desktop

Kevin Stadler e0425926 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jul 14 09:07:13 PDT 2017

1. What did you get done this week?

Activities split by deliverable/repository:

1.a QGIS plugin (https://gitlab.com/qgisapi/networkapi/commits/master)
- added QTimer-based connection timeout as well as other bug fixes
making the plugin more robust
- improved documentation and status labels within the GUI
- implemented HTTP wrappers around the different QgsFeatureRequest
filter methods, as well as fixes to other functions

1.b R package (https://gitlab.com/qgisapi/rqgisapi/commits/master)
- added introductory 'tutorial' vignette
- added the various feature filtering methods to mapLayers.getFeatures()
- updates and fixes to other functions

1.c documentation and outreach
- Updated the R package documentation as well as added the tutorial
vignette at http://qgisapi.gitlab.io/rqgisapi/
- Posted announcement to the R-sig-geo list

2. What do you plan on doing next week?

- start converting Julia Wagemann's set of MalariaRisk iPython
notebooks to JuPyteR/Rmarkdown

- fix and add further functionality in the plugin and R package as I go along

3. Are you blocked on anything?


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