[SoC] GSoC 2017 - Week 4, NASA ESA WebWorldWind - Marker Cluster

Simone Battaglia simonebt92 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 07:04:48 PDT 2017

Hello everyone,

My name is Simone and I'm in the GSoC with a MarkerCluster Plugin for
ESA/NASA WebWorldWind.

This is the report for the fourth week;

What did you get done this week?
I managed to show and hide clusters based on the zoom level and hide the
others. However, I encountered a small performance issue when there all too
many markers in the globe.

What do you plan on doing next week?
Next week I'm planning to hide all the markers that are not visible in the
current view. I started researching and studying some code examples to
achieve this.

Are you blocked on anything?
I'm not really blocked, but I need the help of the mentors to proceed
because I'm not really sure right now.

GitHub: https://github.com/simonebt92/NASA-WWW-MarkerCluster

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