[SoC] Report for Week 4 - 3D OSM Plugin API for ESA-NASA Web World Wind

Candan Eylül Kilsedar candaneylul.kilsedar at polimi.it
Sun Jun 25 07:29:28 PDT 2017

Hello all,

The work can be found at https://github.com/kilsedar/3dosm.

The wiki page is the following: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GSoC_2017_-_3D_OSM_Plugin_API_for_ESA-NASA_Web_World_Wind.

What did I complete this week?

- Made performance tests to evaluate the effect of rendering. Found out that it is always better to use triangulation instead of extrusion.

- Added triangulation also for multipolygons and changed the overpass query to exclude points and linestrings (solved the bug of the past week).

- Learned the syntax of JSDoc and added documentation.

- Started to learn about the ways to extract NDSM from the asc files that I have for the first & last returns, and started to think about a possible workflow to match this data with GeoJSON OSM data.

What am I going to achieve next week?

- I should go on the with the documentation.

- I will work on the NDSM and GeoJSON matching in JavaScript.

Is there any blocking issue?

- No.


Candan Eylül Kilsedar
PhD Student, Politecnico di Milano
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
GEOlab, Milan/Italy
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