[SoC] [Geo4All] GSoC Mentors - Action required!

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 08:49:42 PST 2017


On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8 March 2017 at 16:21, Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear Luca,
> >
> Dear Madi,
> >
> > Thank you for your feedback, we value constructive comments... however,
> I'd
> > like to remind you that we are volunteers, and try to do our best for the
> > common goal of attracting new developers to our community. We count on
> the
> > active collaboration of mentors to do that. We have been managing an
> > enormous amount of students/mentors/projects. I understand that this is
> not
> > visible from outside, but you need to trust me if I tell you that we need
> > the collaboration of mentors. In honesty, I don't think that we require
> too
> > much. However, if following simple instructions is too much for you, then
> > you probably need to ask yourself if you have enough time/energy/will to
> > mentor. We prefer to stick on less projects but well mentored, rather
> than a
> > lot of projects in which we end up filling the gaps of unwilling mentors.
> >
> I was the second one responding to your request to fill the wiki page,
> so I have time to follow GSOC. When I filled the table there was no
> instruction how to compile that field [0] (usually I'm able to read
> and follow instructions),

Well, indeed, sorry if we can't predict all possible human behavior, and
therefore need to adjust instructions according to what people come up
with. Usually a simple email asking for instructions is useful for everyone
to clarify.

> I also think that info about ideas for each
> mentor in that table is a copy of information provided by the proposal
> page of each OSGeo project.

The page you are talking about is the only page we use for mentor to
subscribe, is for our (admins) use, to know who to invite from the GSoC

> For example  adding myself should I add
> there only ideas where I'm the main mentor or also where I'm
> co-mentor?

You need to add all ideas you make yourself available to mentor, so also

> There are mentor with tons of idea should they add all??


> In addition how student could arrive to the proposal page without a
> link to it?

The section mentors of the administrative page is not intended for students
consultation, it's for administration purpose. In fact we address students
to browse the ideas page and the recommendations for students.

> (yes it should go on top of the page -> clicking of link
> for osgeo proposal and from this page look for the interested project
> and finally arrive to the right page) I continue to think that the
> link is the best option for that table

This is the same format that we have been using for several years now, with
no complains. I don't think useful to change it as everyone seems to have
familiarized with it but you.

> I would like to remember that all of us are volunteering, and we have
> to share our energy/time with several projects/activities, so if you
> "need the collaboration of mentors" please keep GSOC as simple as
> possible

Again, Luca. We highly value and appreciate mentors volunteered time, but
we expect them to respect our time and work as well.


Margherita Di Leo
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