[SoC] GSoC 2017: Extension of pgRouting Contraction framework to implement Contraction By Area

Ankur Shukla work.ankurshukla at gmail.com
Mon May 22 06:35:13 PDT 2017

Hello Community Members,
I am Ankur Shukla, a postgraduate student at Indian Institute of Bombay,
India. This is my first experience with Google Summer of Code. I am very
excited for a great summer, coding and contributing to pgRouting.
I shall be working on adding contraction by area functionality to
pgRouting. My project wiki can be found at this link:
I am happy, and full with enthusiasm to connect with OSGeo and all
community members. Looking forward to a healthy, happy and interactive
summer for all of us.

*Ankur Shukla*
Teaching Assistant, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering
Company Coordinator, Placement Cell
IIT Bombay
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