[SoC] OSGeo's GSoC 2018 - reminder: community bonding period has already started

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Thu Apr 26 09:43:24 PDT 2018

Dear students,

Once again, welcome to the GSoC 2018.

We’ve noticed that some of you have shown activity on the OSGeo wiki, while others have not. 

Please see this as a reminder that there are a couple of things you have to do as soon as possible [1], so if you haven’t done it yet:

* Add the links to your wiki page and public repository in the accepted students wiki page [2] - you need to request writing access first

* Write an introductory email to our SOC mailing list and to your community dev mailing list, detailing your project and asking for feedback. Also include information about your wiki page, public repository and any other way the community can follow updates for your project, like a blog, a Twitter account, etc...

This is something you can accomplish within a matter of minutes :) 

Yours truly,
OSGeo GSoC admins

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_Recommendations_for_Students#What_to_expect_after_application
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2018_Accepted

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