[SoC] [GSOc 2018] Community Bonding Period Report-pgRouting-Parallel Dijkstra and Bellman Ford

Sourabh Garg sourabh.gargcd.mat14 at iitbhu.ac.in
Mon May 14 13:46:44 PDT 2018

Hi Everyone,

The Community Bonding Period's Report ( April 23 - May 13) for the project
titled " Implement Parallel Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford algorithm by the
Parallel BGL"  is as follows:

*What did you get done this period?*

   - Introduce myself and my project to OSGeo community
   - Follow OSGeo community and Google's guidelines for us.
   - Set up GitHub repository and development environment for the project.
   - Prepare the wiki page for the project and update it till now.
   - Get familiar with pgRouting's source code and its file systems.
   - Implement a demo function to know "How functions are created in it".

*What do you plan for next week?*

   - Discuss and Design Detailed Signature for the Bellman-ford Algorithm
   with mentors.
   - Implement basic code that read and execute queries from PostgreSQL.
   - Implement the output's structure for the functionality.

*Are you blocked on anything?*
      No, Currently I am not blocked.

‌The wiki page and repository of my project can be found at [1], [2]

[2] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc/bellford-pdijkstra

*Sourabh Garg*
IIT BHU, India
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