[SoC] Week 1 - Improve GRASS GIS integration in QGIS 3

Radek Novotný radeknovotny94 at gmail.com
Sun May 20 16:04:12 PDT 2018

 Hi all,

this is my Week 1 report for my GSoC Project.

1) What did I complete this week?

I started work on implementing an initial version of Python library for
generating UI files used by Processing plugin based on GRASS modules XML
description. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish this task in time,
because of I stuck in an automated generation of XML description from GRASS
[1]. So I have not enough sources for implementation and test of the
parser. [2]

2) What am I going to achieve for next week?

I want to finish work from the Week 1 and also complete the goal of week 2
- Integration of generated description UI files from initial Python library
to Processing plugin in order to generate GUI dialogue for GRASS modules.

3) Is there any blocking issue?

I am blocked with generating XML descriptions from GRASS.  [1]

Thank you.


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