[SoC] GSoC 2020 - Depth First Search and Sequential Vertex Coloring for pgRouting (Week 5 Report)

Ashish Kumar ashishkr23438 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 06:11:08 PDT 2020

Hello everyone,

This is my seventh weekly report of coding and the fifth report of the
Official Coding Period. (Week 5 Report)

Any feedback, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

*Week 5 Report (June 29th - July 5th)*

   - What did I get done this week?
      - Modified the implementation of pgr_sequentialVertexColoring and
      pgr_depthFirstSearch function, based on the mentor's reviews.
      - Edited the documentation of the pgr_depthFirstSearch function.
      - Completed the documentation for the
pgr_sequentialVertexColoring function,
      added the docqueries, and deployed it for preview on GitHub pages.
      - Details can be found in [1]
      - The merged pull request can be found in [2]

   - What do I plan on doing next week?
      - I plan to add all the pgTAP tests to the function and refactor the
      code if required. The goal of the next week would be to submit a working
      pgr_sequentialVertexColoring function along with its documentation
      and pgTAP tests included.
      - I also plan to modify and add some pgTAP tests to the
      pgr_depthFirstSearch function, based on the mentor's reviews.
      - Details of possible sub-tasks can be found in [3]

   - Am I blocked on anything?
      - No blocking issues.

   - Meetings attended in this week
      - These meetings were a part of the Bolsena Online Code Sprint 2020:
      - June 30th: Discussed and presented all the work I had done so far,
      for the GSoC '20 program, with the mentor, who reviewed the work and
      suggested some modifications.
      - July 2nd: Attended and reviewed the workshop of the MobilityDB team
      with pgRouting and PostGIS.

The wiki page can be found in [4]
The repository can be found in [5]

[5] https://github.com/krashish8/GSoC-pgRouting

Thank you,
Ashish Kumar.
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