[SoC] GSoC 2021 Week 9: 3D scan house from imagery from within MapMint4ME

Ayoub FATIHI ayoubfatihi1999 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 04:09:35 PDT 2021

*Hi everyone.*

*Week Nine: 2nd - 8th August*
*What have I done this week:*
This week I accomplished the following:

   - Finished the final draft for my UI (to render 3D models)
   - Created a drop list to allow the user to choose what model (from the
   existing ones) to view
   - Loaded successfully multiple sample models (*Tajjin* / *Rock* /
   *GerrardHall_Building*) all processed by me usig odm . [See here.]

*My plans for next week:*
Next week I am planning to:

   - Refactor & clean up the code for loading the 3D models
   - Connect the android MapMint4ME app to MapMint.

*Am I blocked on anything:*
I am not blocked on anything.
Related links:

   - Project wiki
   - GitHub repo <https://github.com/ayoubft/ZOO-Project/tree/docker-gsoc21>


Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.

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