[SoC] GSoC 2021: Implement 3D scene visualization support to MapMint

Aryan Kenchappagol aryan.kenchappagol at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 03:16:46 PDT 2021

Hello everyone, this email serves as a report for the work done in the 4th
week of Coding Period (28th June 2021 to 4th July 2021)

*What have I done this week?*

-        Studied the 2017 Workshop for creating zoo services.

-        Generalising the Cesium API  written in JS for loading files to
visualise the corresponding 3D view.

-        Working on creating Zoo-Services for the same.

-        General Discussion with mentors regarding ZOO Services.

*Am I blocked on anything?*

No, I am not blocked on anything.

*What will I be achieving this week?*

-        Generalize API script for loading data to Dashboard.

-        Run the existing ZOO Services present in GitHub Repository.

-        Create my First Zoo Service for trying out the same.

*Related Links:*

-        GitHub Repository <https://github.com/aryanxk02/Node-Express>

-        Workshop <https://zoo-project.github.io/workshops/2017/index.html>

-        Zoo Project <https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project>

-        Project Page
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