[SoC] GSoC 2022 Draft Proposal for pgRouting - Request for valuable feedback

shobhit chaurasia 000shobhitchaurasia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 22:31:25 PDT 2022

Hello all,

I am Shobhit Chaurasia, from Hindustan College of Science and Technology,
Mathura, India, pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering and currently in my third year.

I am very much interested in Graph Algorithms and used them to solve many
programming problems over different coding platforms. I want to contribute
to pgRouting through GSoC 2022 and implement a Graph algorithm that is not
implemented in pgRouting.

I have gone through the GSoC 2022 Ideas (
https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-Ideas%3A-2022 ) and I am
interested in applying for Idea 2: GRAPH C++ Boost graph algorithms. I am
active in the pgRouting Gitter channel (

I have completed the pgRouting Application Requirements (

After proper planning and research, I propose to implement the
Cuthill-Mckee Ordering Algorithm  (boost::cuthill_mckee_ordering
in pgRouting.

I have already shared my draft proposal on the Gitter channel of pgRouting
and here I am sharing it with all of you:
Please review it and suggest any changes or modifications. I would be very
grateful and obligated for any feedback.

I am looking forward to your valuable feedback.

Thanks and Regards,
Shobhit Chaurasia
Email: shobhit94chaurasia at gmail.com, 000shobhitchaurasia at gmail.com.
GitHub: https://github.com/shobhit162
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/shobhit-chaurasia-8842531b6
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