[SoC] Week 8 report, Integrating Zoo-services with QGIS

Sandeepan Dhoundiyal dsandeepan995 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 05:08:23 PDT 2022

Report for week 8:

Tasks completed during the past week:-
1.1. So far, development has been carried out in a windows environment.
1.2. The windows machine crashed, so development was shifted to Ubuntu.
1.3. The dev environment was set up in Ubuntu. This included:
1.3.1 Installation of QGIS [1]
1.3.2 Installation of the Zoo-project [2]
1.3.3 Connecting QGIS to python so the algorithms can be called through a
CUI [3,4]
The scripts used for these tasks were minor modifications of scripts
previously used to set the same environment in windows.
2. To automate this setup and support QGIS processing algorithms inside the
Zoo-project, the scripts mentioned in the previous point are being
integrated into the docker setup of the Zoo-project.A docker image to
access QGIS algorithms through a CUI interface has been written.[5,6]

Tasks for next week:
1. Incorporate scripts for the other set-up tasks into a stand-alone docker
2. Work towards adding these steps to the Zoo-project's docker file.

Blocked On:
I'm not blocked on anything.

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