[SoC] Week 8 Report: Integrating Node.js with ZOO-services

Momtchil Momtchev momtchil at momtchev.com
Sun Aug 7 05:35:22 PDT 2022

My week 8 report:

* Implemented/tested the exception handling in libnode, including 
asynchronous throwing

* Started working on a pure C++ API for libnode for node-addon-api

* Replaced the old E4X code for handling WPS requests with the 
off-the-shelf wps-js opensource implementation

     - The builtin Node.js modules now include gdal-async, proj4js and 
wps-js in addition to all the usual Node.js builtins (such as fs or 
http) - these are available to all services without any extra steps
     - As Node.js services can also install their own NPM modules, they 
have been moved to separate directories each - as it is customary in the 
JS world - every program must have its own package.json and node_modules
     - Freestanding Node.js services - consisting of a single .js file - 
using only the builtin modules - are also supported and do not need to 
be in a separate directory

Next week was normally to be dedicated to producing an AddressSanitizer 
build - which is still on the table, but the immediate benefits are 
doubtful because:

* libnode itself already has its own asan build

* there are no permanently running ZOO services that are at risk of 
accumulating memory leaks

* the automated unit testing of ZOO needs to be extended

These issues shall be discussed next week.

I am currently not blocked on anything.

Momtchil Momtchev <momtchil at momtchev.com>

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