[SoC] Week 6 Report: Integrating Node.js with ZOO-services

Momtchil Momtchev momtchil at momtchev.com
Sat Jul 23 04:58:01 PDT 2022

Week 6 Report:

Week 6, was reserved for testing and debugging.

* It led to the discovery of one serious problem that will have to be 
solved during GSoC Phase 2 - the fact that the old|ZOO-API.js|uses a 
now-deprecated form of JavaScript - the EcmaScript for XML - which is 
not supported even by the latest versions of SpiderMonkey - and thus 
will require rewriting from scratch. Luckily, many of its features, 
previously implemented specially for ZOO-Project, can now be relegated 
to standard public open-source NPM packages;

* Globally all aspects of the Node.js environment seem to be working - 
including|require|and|import|of external and internal modules and 
passing of complex data types (JSON for example);

* The documentation for creating JavaScript services was updated;

* A first real-world WPS service - allowing to retrieve the terrain 
height under a given flight path - using the Node.js environment was 
implemented to demonstrate the usability of this implementation.

I am currently looking forward to merging this PR which is now fully 
usable and meets all the initially defined requirements for Phase 1.

Momtchil Momtchev<momtchil at momtchev.com>
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