[SoC] Community Bonding Report - GSoC 2023 Implement pgr_withPointsKSP and Add Overloads

Abhinav Jain this.abhinav at gmail.com
Wed May 31 02:35:05 PDT 2023

Hello everyone,

This is my Community Bonding Period report detailing the tasks I completed
during this time.

*Community Bonding Report (May 4 - May 28)*
I accomplished the following tasks during the Community Bonding Period:

   - Introduced myself and my project in the soc mailing list [1] and
   requested feedback or suggestions on the project.
   - Added the links to the wiki page and the public repository in the
   OSGeo Accepted Students' wiki page [2].
   - Created OSGeo wiki user page [3].
   - Created my GSoC project wiki page in the pgrouting repository, where I
   regularly update the weekly reports [4].
   - I studied the relevant developer manuals and materials related to
   - Met with the mentors and the core developer of pgRouting, to discuss
   the final name of the function in this project [5].
   - I got familiar with pgRouting's development style,
   documentation, coding and testing standards, and workflow under the
   guidance of mentors.
   - Studied Google's GSoC students guide and the OSGeo's
   specific instructions

*What did I plan to do next week?*

   - Tasks in this issues[6]
   - I will understand the codebase of the function line by line to see
   where the changes are required.
   - Discuss the doubts with mentors regarding the function implemented.

*Am I blocked on anything?*

   - No, Currently, I am not blocked on anything.

I would appreciate any feedback, comments, or suggestions you may have.

Abhinav Jain

[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/soc/2023-May/005007.html
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2023_Accepted
[3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Abhinj
[5] https://github.com/pgRouting/GSoC-pgRouting/issues/285
[6] https://github.com/pgRouting/GSoC-pgRouting/issues/289
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