[Spanish] [Fwd: Local Chapter Updates Requested for OSGeo Journal]

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at geomaticblog.net
Wed Jun 27 21:03:18 EDT 2007

[ES] (Tyler see below)

Me llega este mensaje de Tyler para que contemos en el OSGeo Journal Vol 
2 las actividades que estemos realizando en el Capítulo Español.

Creo que es una buena oportunidad para difundir la existencia de esta 
pequeña comunidad.

Como mínimo habría que informar de la existencia de la lista, las 
labores de traducción del portal y sobre todo el trabajo realizado 
organizando el libro de SIG y la aportación de Víctor (me quedo pasmado 
al ver que la versión 0.2 tiene 222 páginas).


¿Alguien se anima a escribir un pequeño informe?
Si no, pues lo hago yo, pero al menos contad qué os parece (y estaría 
encantado de que alguien con buen inglés me corrigiera)

Un saludo

I've received this mail from Tyler to tell in the OSGeo Journal Vol 2 
the activities that we are doing in the Spanish Local Chapter.

I think it's a good opportunity to spread the word about the existence 
of this little community.

At least (IMHO) we should talk about the existence of this mailing list, 
the job we made translating the main portal and specially the work done 
organizing the GIS Book and the amazing work made by Victor Olaya (I'm 
stunned seeing that the 0.1 version of the book has 222 pages!!!)


Someone wants to write a little report?
I can write it, but I want some feedback (and I would be pleased that 
someone with better English than me could correct the report)

Best regards

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: Local Chapter Updates Requested for OSGeo Journal
Fecha: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 16:12:25 -0700
De: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <tmitchell en osgeo.org>

Hello everybody,
OSGeo Journal Volume 2 has started to be compiled:

In this volume I would like to include reports from OSGeo Local
Chapters - even ones that are not officially started.  I hope that
these reports will encourage others to join with you to make
something happen.

Think of it as a bulletin board for sharing pieces of news with the
worldwide OSGeo community or inviting others to join in your work.

I invite you to contribute a short summary of the sorts of things
your group has been working on.  The Journal will be published
(digitally) by August, but if you want to contribute an article we
will need it by July 6th.

Please email me if your community would like to submit something.
You can also add yourself to the bottom of this page:

I have tried to send this email to someone from each local chapter.
Feel free to forward it to anyone else who might be more appropriate
in your group.

I look forward to hearing what you have been doing!

Editor in chief
OSGeo Journal
Executive Director
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
tmitchell en osgeo.org
P: +1-250-277-1621
M: +1-250-303-1831

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
correo: jsanz [en] geomaticblog [punto] net
web:    http://www.geomaticblog.net

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